Closed Terrariums vs. Open Terrariums - Learn the Key Differences

Terrariums are a great way to bring the beauty of nature indoors, along with the benefit of being customised to fit any space. And an added advantage is that they can be either closed or open.

But what's the difference between the two? Learn about the key differences between closed terrariums and open terrariums so that you can decide which one is right for you!


What is the Difference Between Closed Terrariums and Open Terrariums?

Closed terrariums are completely sealed, which means they require very little maintenance. They're ideal for people who want to enjoy the look of a green oasis without having to worry about watering or misting the plants regularly.

Open terrariums, on the other hand, are not sealed and therefore require more attention. The plants in an open terrarium will need to be watered and misted regularly, and the environment will need to be monitored to make sure it doesn't get too wet or too dry.

Open terrariums are better suited for people who have the time and patience to care for their plants on a regular basis.

  1. Different Plant Requirements


Different plants have different requirements when it comes to the amount of light, water, and air they need to thrive. That's why it's important to choose the right type of terrarium for your plant. Closed terrariums are best for plants that require high humidity and little airflow, while open terrariums are better for plants that need more airflow and less humidity.


  1. Different Drainage Layer Requirements


When it comes to closed terrariums vs. open terrariums, one key difference is the type of drainage layer required. Closed terrariums require a layer of gravel or charcoal to help with drainage, while open terrariums need pebbles, soil, charcoal and rocks. This is because closed terrariums rely on condensation to create a humid environment, so their drainage layer helps prevent the soil from becoming too wet.


  1. Terrarium care


Closed Terrariums:

Plants in a closed terrarium can create their own microclimate, which means they don't require as much maintenance as plants in an open terrarium. Closed terrariums are better at controlling humidity levels, which is ideal for plants that thrive in moist conditions.

However, closed terrariums can be more prone to overheating, so it's important to monitor the temperature inside your terrarium and ventilate if necessary.


Open Terrariums:

Open terrariums offer better airflow than closed terrariums, which is important for preventing fungal diseases. They're also less likely to overheat, making them a good option for hot or dry climates.

However, open terrariums require more frequent watering and may not be suitable for plants that prefer high humidity levels.


Benefits of Open terrariums

Open terrariums offer many benefits over closed terrariums.

  • They allow for better airflow, which can help to prevent mould and mildew from developing.
  • They also allow you to monitor the moisture level of the soil more easily, which is important for preventing over-watering.
  • Additionally, open terrariums provide your plants with more light, which can promote healthier growth.


Benefits of Closed Terrariums

Closed terrariums are a great way to create your own little ecosystem.

  • By sealing in moisture and humidity, you can create the perfect environment for your plants to thrive.
  • Plus, closed terrariums are self-contained, so you don't have to worry about watering them or letting in outside air.
  • Closed terrariums can help purify the air in your home. Plants naturally absorb toxins and chemicals from the air, and a closed terrarium will help trap those pollutants inside. This can improve the quality of the air in your home and help you breathe easier.

Closed terrariums are better for plants that require higher humidity, while open terrariums are better for plants that need more air circulation. If you're not sure which type of terrarium to order online in Sydney, consider engaging with us.


Check out our terrarium plants, preserved flowers and aromatherapy collections. We also provide plant hampers online in Sydney. To shop our collection of terrariums, click here.