How to Get Rid of Fungus gnats on Your Succulents?

Fungus gnats, also known as sciarid flies, are pesky pests that appear to emerge every few months. They resemble fruit flies in look and behaviour, with the primary distinction being that they inhabit succulent plants rather than fruit bowls.

They typically can be avoided by practising appropriate water management and plant care because these pests thrive in moist environments with decomposing plant waste.

Also, a fungus gnat infestation can harm and even kill your plants if it goes untreated. Therefore, you must eliminate fungus gnats as soon as you see them. We've put together this quick guide on how to stop fungus gnats without exerting too much effort on your behalf to assist you in getting rid of them.

Read on!


Let The Soil Dry

Give your soil some time to dry. Since moisture attracts fungus gnats, it is likely that you have been overwatering your succulent plant. Stop watering right away if the soil is damp and muddy.

When you water your succulents, make sure to saturate the soil well and wait until the soil is fully dry. Gnats on succulents shouldn't really be an issue if you maintain a decent watering regimen.


Utilise Dish Soap Spray

Dish soap spray is an all-natural treatment for fungus gnats. 

One simple solution is to add a few drops of any available dish soap to a spray bottle of water. Spray the damaged plants' soil abundantly. Continue doing this daily until they stop appearing.

To ensure that there won't be any long-lasting damage, it is suggested to test this spray on a single leaf or stem of your succulent before using it on the entire plant.


Consider Cinnamon

Cinnamon may provide the natural gnat-killing solution you're seeking for. Using cinnamon powder as a fungicide is a great idea. By killing the fungus that the larvae feed on, it will aid in the eradication of fungus gnats.

Simply scatter the cinnamon over the soil, covering the top layer, and allow the damping-off process to start.


Some Other Treatments to Get Rid of Gnats



Roundworms are another name for nematodes. They are tiny parasites that will drive gnats away. Nematodes are a very popular and practical approach to getting rid of gnats on succulents since they are safe for humans and indoor plants while also being quite effective.



Investing in an indoor insect trap is another useful purchase! Typically, these contraptions attract bugs with UV lighting, draw them in with a fan, and then trap them with sticky adhesive boards.


Sticky Yellow Traps

Another method for getting rid of gnats on succulents is to use yellow sticky traps. The high-quality glue keeps the bugs glued when the bright yellow attracts them.

Sticky traps are non-toxic and extremely simple to use. Simply insert the pointed bottom into the ground, then watch for the bugs to appear. They are inexpensive and long-lasting, so you won't need to replace them until they are covered in bugs.


We hope our guide can help you in saving your succulents from such pests. Contact us today to order a terrarium online in Sydney. To explore our range of aromatherapy candles online in Sydney and shop our collection of terrariums, click here.